No brainer chatbot to massively increase your leads and traffic


This is not news, but chatbots have been mentioned in different channels, mainly when mentioning that it makes customer interactions faster.

While this may seem like a set-back in real human touch, it it is an improvement when you think of providing fast answers to routine questions.

One can think of many applications to chatbots. For instance, have you ever waited on the phone to know your account balance, or to know where you can pay your bill on time?

Have you spent hours trying to find the right form to send any official changes to a government agency?

Have you contacted your payroll or HR department to be told: “read the manual, or the collective agreement and get back to us”?

In fact, Chatbots could take care of answering those routine questions. They can even be integrated in mobile apps and websites of public entities.

Then, what is the resistance? 

Mainly, the concern of human interaction and the validation that it brings, considering that online hacking and fraud cases are highly publicized.

Resist the tide: Recommendations

Therefore, what we recommend is to use chatbots to take care of questions that do not provide confidential information or that may just guide customers to the right answers. For example, providing office locations, opening hours, forms’ locations, etc.

On the other hand, chatbots increase traffic on your website. Specially, if you have reduced your office hours due to increase of remote work.

However, not all chatbots are set up the same way, or not all of them provide an easy way to integrate to your website or social media channels. 

We found that Conversiobot takes the headaches out of the equation and provides and easy-to-use approach to integrating chatbots.

Moreover, the good news about this type of integration is that you can remove it or tailor it, if you do not like it as is. 

The bigger picture

The main goal of adding this tool to your website is to reduce the clutter in your mailbox by having automation answer basic or simple repetitive questions from leads or potential clients. 

This way, you get to concentrate on delivering awesome services to those who have become your customers or to your current staff.